Saturday, January 11, 2020


Saturday, January 11, 2020
Emerald Princess-At Sea                                                
90F, cloudy, some sun

On our way to Panama! TK generously brought me coffee and a slice of tasty Stollen bread this morning. While he spent time at the aft pool, Deck 15, I went to the Princess Theater for the presentation on Cartagena, Colombia. It refreshed my memory of our last two visits. We have a private tour planned with Mr. Emerald, Leland Miles. After that informative presentation, I went to the Effy jewelry shop for an “auction” Princess style. I do think people attend for the raffle and free Mimosas. The jewelry is beautiful to see--pearls, tanzanite, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, and more—earrings, rings, necklaces, and bracelets all a glitter.

I joined TK for lunch, tried the cheeseburger grill today. The pizza and Stromboli are better. Since tonight is another formal evening, I am hoping for a good dinner. Obviously, I am not starving.

Deck 15 has many public areas with lots of pools, bars, and food. Below you will see two of the pool areas, Neptune and Calypso--the other is TK's favorite, the Aft Pool. The Calypso area is where guests watch the "Movie Under The Stars" or "MUTS." You can see hot tubs in the photos, too.  Pizza is offered at "Slice," burgers at "Salty Dog." Ice cream cones are available nearby, and there are four huge sections of the "World Marketplace," the buffet with multiple offerings for breakfast-6 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; lunch--11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; snack--3 5 p.m. and dinner--5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.

In the afternoon by the Neptune Reef & Pool, we watched the ice carving demonstration—the two men carved an owl and a chicken in 13 minutes using 300 pound blocks of ice. They will be rechilled and used as display at the buffet.

Ice blocks at Neptune Reef and Pool
300 pounds each

Starting to carve

About 13 minutes later, a chicken

Same time frame, the other carver finished an owl

Neptune Pool and Reef

Neptune Reef and Pool

Calypso Reef and Pool

Hot tub at Calypso Pool and Reef

I read the rest of the afternoon on the balcony, a Jonathan Kellerman book, Time Bomb. TK is a people watcher.

I better get ready for formal night!!

TK's Takes: We finally caught up to east coast time.

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