Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Savannah, Georgia on my mind

January 13, 2009. Today was cloudy travelin' day--BUT the temperature keeps getting warmer--up to 48 F! I especially love seeing the red earth as we travel south--saw 4 more sets of wooden crosses and only one more herd of deer. I-95 seems to meander in more populated areas. Perky faced blue and yellow pansies greeted us south of Charlotte, North Carolina when we stopped for lunch at Chili's. By 12:30 p.m. we saw PALM trees (South Carolina)

We finished Mortal Fear and started Greg Iles' Spandau Phoenix, another intriguing mystery inspired by the fictional discovery of a diary when the Spandau prison in Berlin was destroyed.

We drove 402 miles today, stopped in Richmond Hills, Georgia for the night (Best Western again). I was ecstatic to take off my leather coat and boots before we visited the Savannah Mall for a little exercise. It was very amusing to see the local people wearing winter coats and boots! This is sandal weather to me.

Tim isn't as tired tonight--he is doing a very good job driving.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! How sweet that you mention Tim is doing a good job driving!! If I were traveling that long in the car with Bill I'd need Dramamine!!

    So envious you are in the warmth of the south. It was -15ยบ here this morning!!
