Monday, February 5, 2024


Monday, February 5, 2024
Hampton Inn
129 Cane Branch Road
Walterboro, SC
Rain, Clouds, 58F


TK, the best driver!

Originally, I was not going to blog today, but my iPad charger is not working now, and since it is 6:30 p.m, too early for bed, this gives me something to do.


We left Fort Myers on I-75 in the rain at 8 a.m.  Within an hour both the rain and the traffic subsided. While TK was driving intently, I had my iPad to entertain me, for hours.  TK was headed to Buc-ees in St. Augustine. He crossed the state on Florida Highway 17, which goes through many small towns. 

We saw orange tree orchards, livestock grazing, campgrounds, and a lot of housing construction.  At one point I even saw 5 young boars eating by the highway.  TK really enjoyed driving through Orlando. [She wrote with sarcasm]. He finally jumped on I-95, toward Jacksonville. Buc-ees was his first stop except for rest areas, a five hour drive.


Baby boars are cute

Since we don’t eat breakfast, we were starved by the time Buc-ees appeared.  We shared a sandwich, bought some more of those fabulous peanut butter cups, pumped gas, and away we drove toward Walterboro, South Carolina, through Georgia.

Another four hours later and we arrived in Walterboro and our hotel. Fortunately, a Cracker Barrel was on the property, and we walked to it for dinner. We were really tired.


Tired TK said something was bothering his foot –for days. He finally decided to look at his shoe and a screw had gone through the sole to his foot. How did he walk? I could feel the point of the screw that had pressured his foot, and now the screw is removed!


The screw: he thinks it may have been
in his shoe since San Juan.

To emphasize our fatigue, I volunteered to fill the ice bucket for our soda. I was almost out the door when TK asked me what I was doing with the wastepaper basket. I thought it was the ice bucket.


OK—enough for now, it looks like I am grasping for things to write about---


Good night!  Sorry, dear friend H, no WWF tonight...

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