Saturday, January 11, 2014


Away we go again. It makes me dizzy to think of the traveling we do!  We are so blessed to be able to do this!

Here is a draft schedule of January and February 2014:

January 13                     Erie to Charlotte, NC
January 14                     NC to St. Augustine, FL
January 15                     St. Augustine, FL to Cocoa Beach, FL
January 16                     Stuart, FL                       Gary and Diane A, our charter captain friends
January 17-21                Ft. Myers, FL                   Tom and Carol
January 22                     Miami, FL                       NCL Sun
January 23, 24               At Sea
January 25                     Cartagena, Colombia       Emeralds!!!!
January 26                     Aruba
January 27                     Curacao
January 28                     At Sea
January 29                     St. Maarten                    Star Wars artist’s shop
January 30                     Tortola                          Sunny Caribbee—our favorite seasoning
January 31                     St. Thomas                    Don’t let me shop J
February 1, 2                  At Sea                           Super Bowl Sunday!!!
February 3                     Miami
February 4, 5                  At Sea
February 6                     St. Thomas                    Oh No!
February 7                     Dominica          
February 8                     Barbados
February 9                     St. Lucia
February 10                    St. Maarten                   
February 11, 12              At Sea
February 13                    Miami                            We may return to Ft. Myers, if not, then Dade City
February 14                    Dade City or Ft. Myers
February 14 or 16                       Mt. Dora, FL Antique Extravaganza
February 16-19               Dade City/Travelers Rest
February 20                    Pearl Fryar Topiary Garden, 145 Broad Acres, Bishopville, South Carolina
February 21-24               Williamsburg, Virginia
February 25 or so            Erie!!


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