Monday, February 8, 2010


Sunday, February 07, 2010 / warmer and sunny

We got up early because we wanted to watch for whales. We did see some whale spouts and a few leaps in the distance—I am so glad that we saw as many as we did last cruise. We attended the lecture about Acapulco and have a strategy for that port on Wednesday.

We thought tendering to Cabo would be a long process, but actually we got on one of the first boats out. What beautiful beaches and rock formations along the coast!

Cabo San Lucas, on the Baja peninsula, has a population of 41,000. Spanish explorer Hernan Cortez first landed nearby in the 16th century. In 1834, President James Polk sided with the Texans who were tired of paying taxes to Mexican generals. U.S. troops marched on La Paz and San Jose and at the bargaining table the Americans conceded that they didn’t need any more desert than they already had so Baja was left to the Mexicans, according to Princess material.

I did enjoy shopping here and count the day as successful—more vanilla, Taxco silver gifts for C and D, beach towels, and more. We had quesadillas at Cabo Wabo restaurant and bar, the best ever!! TK loved the guacamole. Sammy Hagar (formerly of a band that we promptly forgot the name of) has played here. There are some HUGE yachts in the harbor, as well as the biggest sailboat (modern, 2 masted-100 ft. long) that I have ever seen.

There is much to do in Cabo besides shop, e.g. water taxis, paragliding, fishing, beaches, etc. and we would like to return. The ship was only at port a half day and we did not get involved in anything else.

When we returned to the ship we watched the Super Bowl on the big TV/movie screen by the pool. Most everyone aboard was rooting for the New Orleans Saints, including us. Granddaughter B1 told me on Friday that she wanted the Colts to win and Son B was sort of on the edge about it, so I feel a little guilty, but we LOVE the city of New Orleans and that inspired our support! They won!

(note to Kathy and Jeff in New Orleans--I bet you are really really happy about the Saints!!! Enjoy!)

Dinner tonight: a very good beef bouillon/vegetable soup (J), black bean soup (TK), shrimp cocktail, rack of veal with artichokes (both of us), warm apple strudel (J), and toffee/chocolate chip cake (TK). Needless to say our family and friends won’t recognize us when we get home. Everything went smoothly with our reservation we got a lot of attention from the Maitre D’ and the Assistant Maitre D’.

For entertainment we enjoyed the comedian Al Katz again-he joked about hunting deer in Bradford, Pennsylvania and praised teachers. After the show we talked to him briefly-he said he had been to an Erie comedy club, but not recently.

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