Jams Hotel
Stubenvollstrasse 2
Munich, Germany
June 27, 2024
73F, sunny
Subways, trains, and buses encore! By the way, yesterday I had 13,100 steps and TK was not far behind. Today's tally is 18,700 for me and 15,829 for TK. In other words, the buses and trains do not deliver us door to door, we have to do a little walking too.
On the train to Regensburg, about a 2 hour ride, I had a bit of excitement when I used the bathroom. Afterward, I told Derek that I need to know the words for open, close, and lock. I will leave it like that for now--we did not get back to the hotel until 10ish and it will be another big day tomorrow.
Note the sign!
Love the sign, but they had misspelled....