One small area of the galley
Fashion Boulevard (shops)
The library and Internet Cafe (I had access to the Internet in our cabin, too)
The Sports Bar
Friday, January 29, 2010
Today was much cooler, but the seas were calmer than when we passed through last Friday. The last day of a cruise is usually very low key and people are sad about the ending of a vacation. We are very fortunate that our trip continues.
I started a new book, The Shooters, a Presidential Agent Novel by W.E.B. Griffin. There was a book exchange on the ship and I took Dry Ice to trade. I noticed one lady had 1776 by David McCullough and I asked her if she was really trading it in. I am keeping my Path Between the Seas by the same author. She laughed and said her husband told her that no one would want that book, others would only want romance books. We traded books because we instantly knew we had the same taste in books.
TK and I had lunch together at the buffet-bean/cheese burrito (me), chicken parmesan and roast pork (him). Desserts were all chocolate, fondu, cakes, mousse. Of course we shared.
Our Cruise Critic group met for the last time and then went on a galley tour. The Maitre D’told us many facts about the amount of food used, but I can’t remember many details. Three tons (6,000 pounds) of flour are used, for one thing. He said that the food is USDA inspected and that the galleys are subjected to random inspections in port. They take cleanliness seriously!
This has been our best Carnival cruise. We especially liked the layout of the ship. The staff was very friendly, our balcony cabin on Deck 4 (#4217) was the largest and brightest we have ever had, there was more closet space than ever. There were ample elevators, our cabin was very near the dining room and we could easily go straight up to the 9th deck Aft Pool. There was always room to lounge at the pools. (the deck chairs were uncomfortable and not sturdy though) I liked the water slide, the show lounge was comfortable, and no one was trying to persuade us to buy this or that.
The ports were special, too. We need to give Acapulco another chance, but we loved Zihuatenejo and Manzanillo. It was great to experience the Pacific Ocean and all the marine life in its natural habitat.
Tonight's dinner: mango soup, crab cakes, prime rib, baked potato, fried shrimp. The food was very good on the Spirit.
I hope the moon is as beautiful tonight for you, dear readers, as it is over the Pacific. We heard that it is the brightest tonight, as bright as when man walked on the moon. I may not have all the facts here, but the moon is fabulously beautiful tonight!!!
TK's Takes: All packed, ready to go. He packed this afternoon. Weather is even cooler and he checked and said the seas may be rough tonight.
Would love to see pictures of your cabin. We sailed the spirit in 2005, really like her, but didn't care for all the smoking areas you had to pass thru.